Игрушки крючком: вязаные пупсы Йо-йо

Binginging Pattern For Toys

♪ Let's go get some turkey ♪

I suggest you tie a doll dress to a hook today.

This dresser comes in very fast and simple, and it looks good. It'll be a small doll or a puppet of about 12 cm. It's good for the yo-yo.

If you've missed a description of a pulse like my photo, you can look at this page.

This dress has to do with the same buckle as the pups and the same hook number. And specifically, I used the buckle of Alize "Baby wool" and hook number two.

You, of course, use that buckle and the hook number that suits you. I pointed out the type of buckle and the size of the hook to make it easier for you to focus on the size of the doll dress.