Как научиться вязать спицами и крючком: подробная инструкция для

Speakers Must Learn

There's so many interesting knitting magazines around you, there's a lot of wonderful threads in stores, girlfriends always bragging about the updates of the favorite show... And you can't tie... That's a shame! Don't be upset. Pam Allen wrote her book, "An obligation for the hysters" just for those who have never taken the matches in their lives. With this book, you will learn the basics of knitting:

  • Choose buckle and matches,
  • To pick up loops,
  • Liaise non-complicated devices and models.

It's a great start to achieve the perfect skill.
The book "An obligation for the kettles" is designed for the widest audience, readers and readers of any age, education, wealth and social status!

Tell your friends and colleagues about the book:
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Part I. Boundary
Chapter 1. Two matches and bucket
Chapter 2. Lips and knowledge loops: knitting construction
Chapter 3. Oh! Make mistakes.
Chapter 4. Choice of buckle and other accessories
Chapter 5. Liquid maths
Chapter 6. Let's start from the simplest.

Part II. Spirit management
Chapter 7. Important information: skilled handling of loops
Chapter 8. We're working on a salad, or we're making a commitment in detail.
Chapter 9. Finests
Chapter 10. I'll meet the sun, or I'll see you.

Part III. Multi-coloured knitting
Chapter 11. Multi-coloured lane
Chapter 12. More complex multi-coloured knitting

Part IV. We'll get some clothes, or we'll work with them.
Chapter 13. Disorder description: useful guidance or unclear hieroglyphics?
Chapter 14. We'll put on the description sweater.
Chapter 15. Latest bars:
Chapter 16. Knives
Chapter 17. Circumstances
Chapter 18. Compulsory simple excavation models

Part V. Magnificent dozens
Chapter 19. Ten muscle relaxation exercises

Annex A. New samples