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Binginging lessons for starters, part 1

In the first lesson, we will see what tools and materials you need to prepare for further training.


The matches are picked according to the thickness of the buckle. The thickness of the buckle is determined by the mass of the buckle in grams and the length of the filament: g/ m. For example, if you see 100g on the label, 260m, it means that 260 meters of the buck will weigh 100 grams. The shorter the length of the thread on 100 g of buckle, the tighter. The general rule in match selection is that the matches should be twice as good as the buckle. Reference may be made to the recommended number of the matches that manufacturers indicate on the label. The number corresponds to the diameter of the matches in millimetres.

Now we're not going to stop at all the diversity of the knitting matches. You're gonna need to purchase three sets of short socks of 5 grand number 3; 3, 5; 4. As long as the samples are small and the length of these matches will be sufficient. In addition, short matches are easier to tie. In the future, such matches will be useful to you for cycling, for example, to tie socks or barrels. The matches of the different numbers are necessary to determine your maner of knitting. Some of the ligaments are tight, some are weaker. When you try to tie the same thickness to the same thickness to the different matches, you will feel that the density of the knitting and the number of the matches is best suited to you.

If, for some reason, you don't have a set of five-speaks, you can use two matches, but also preferably different numbers.

Speed ends

The matches in the double-crossed kit. We don't need this here. As long as you don't have experience, maybe the loops will fly off. Whatever happens, you're gonna need to get the tips for the matches. They're also sold in numbers, but the same ends are suitable for several match numbers. For example, from 2nd to 5th or 5th to 10th. The ends are also used when you need to leave the knitting, the free ends of the matches are closed, and the hinges don't fly.