Подробное описание и схемы вязания детской шапочки для начинающих

Liquidation Schemes For Newborns

Speakers for newborns: puppet and cap pattern

When a family is expected to be replenished, many grandmothers and moms start thinking about what kind of things for a baby can be sewn or tied with their own hands. To such obligatory clothes for newborns, there are hats that will always find their places in the baby's harbor.

There are many examples on the Internet where newborn matching schemes are offered. We will not be behind us, and we offer you a class master who describes in sufficient detail the chaining of newborn matches.

It should be noted that, in general, blatant blade For newborns, the practice is quite fascinating and not labour-intensive, so it can be understood by anyone who wishes to learn how to tie things.

So, if you've decided to start a case like tying a newborn match hat, then we suggest that you prepare any buckle, matches and knitting hook you like.

Work starts with a hinge kit that will need 78. This should be followed by a 1x1 rubber to the height of two rows.
To make the hat brighter and handsome, we add another color at this stage. And the thread of the other color is still tied to two rows of rubber.

We're going to the main thread and we're going back to the rubber, two rows.
After such a cut as a rubber, the main body of the product may be leached. To this end, we take a thread of additional colour and we have two rows of knowledge. We change the thread to the basic color and continue to tie another row in the same technology.

The sight ends with three other rows of the main color, but it should be fixed by their face-to-face smooth.

This shame should be repeated three times, constantly worn with different colours.

After a part of the dislocation cap is tied, the back of the sticker should begin.

We can only divide all the loops into three parts, about the ratio: the mean part is 28 hinges, the side wheel.
In the first row, the connection should begin with the first side-by-side 25 hinges, which are completely tied, followed by the medium-sized loop, and the latter should be linked to the first loop of the second side.

Next, the entire product turns to the knowledge side, and work goes on only with the central part of the hat. Twenty-seven central hinges should be tied again, and the latter should be attached to the first hinges of the side.
The bond should therefore continue until 14 hinges remain on the sidewalls.